Welcome to my blog where I post recent photos of my work and journal about my life as an artist. I live and work in Tulsa Oklahoma. It is from my early life in the mountains that I developed a love of the natural world which now includes vast prairies and endless skies. To contact me about a purchase all in lowercase letters you can write me at margee and then my last name @gmail.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Daisies SOLD 6x6 Oil on stretched canvas by Margaret Aycock
The paint is still wet on this one. I just put this on auction at ebay. http://midwest-fine-art.com Click here to go directly to my site. I have a lot of things on auction this week due to ebay's listing sale so snap them up! These little 6x6s are usually $99-$120 in my ebay gallery/store at full price but I love a good bargain as much as the next person and I love the auction process so every now and then one of these little paintings makes it up to the auction. Happy Bidding!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The camera caught a little glare. It was just painted and finished a minute ago. I have several of these little daily paintings on my blog and in my ebay auction this week. You can buy it now for $99 or you can join the fray over at ebay where it is on auction starting at $45. ebay
Saturday, November 24, 2007
An Apple for the Teacher, 6x6 oil by Aycock SOLD

This is a little 6x6 oil on stretched canvas that I did the other day. I will have it on auction this week on ebay
Click above to go directly to my ebay gallery/store or purchase it now for $99 by contacting me at artistswaygallery@yahoo.com.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Holiday Harvest

I painted this for use as the CD cover art for this year's amazing Holiday Harvest CD. We look forward to this holiday CD every year now. Oklahoma produces the best music and Tulsa is the hub of the music wheel. This CD like the others is a wonderful mix of traditional and non traditional holiday songs created by some traditional and non traditonal singers,songwriters, bands from the Tulsa area.
Come to the CD release party and bid on my original painting and listen to some great bands and then walk away with the wonderful CD. You can listen to the CD here and might I suggest cuts 2 and 3. They Rock! Can't make the event but still want the CD? go to http://tulsaworld.com/foodbank Oh, and while I have your ear..... if you are a registered voter in the state of Oklahoma and are interested in smokeless music venues, I would like to hear from you. I am gathering emails for a once or twice emailing when legislation is upcoming that will effect our ability to listen with out compromising our health. Send me a note at artistswaygallery@yahoo.com
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
SOLD! Waterhouse Meets Oklahoma, Original Oil by Aycock

Each semester I demonstrate the technique of glazing to my students. I love to use Waterhouse and Bouguereau as a jumping off point. On this one I changed it up quite a bit and put Waterhouse's lovely model in the middle of an Oklahoma praire. I painted this around Halloween and I think you can tell I was in the mood for a spooky atmosphere. I put this out for auction on my ebay site just a minute ago. The photo never does them justice but perhaps you can imagine a girl with glowing hair on a deserted praire just as the wind picks up. Boo! click here for my ebay store
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Second Hand Smoke in Oklahoma Bars
Hey you all,
Those of you who love to dance, listen to music, meet with friends a or have a drink at a bar need to watch this and then if you agree that something needs to be done, send me your email because I am working with the American Cancer Society to see legislation passed to protect you and your music loving friends. Send me your emial if you are interested in a grass roots effort to effect legislation to protect us all from second hand smoke in bars. My email is artistswaygallery@yahoo.com. I promise, I am not going to write you every month but I will write you when I need you to call your legislator or write an email. Thanks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ifiSQ0UlKw
Those of you who love to dance, listen to music, meet with friends a or have a drink at a bar need to watch this and then if you agree that something needs to be done, send me your email because I am working with the American Cancer Society to see legislation passed to protect you and your music loving friends. Send me your emial if you are interested in a grass roots effort to effect legislation to protect us all from second hand smoke in bars. My email is artistswaygallery@yahoo.com. I promise, I am not going to write you every month but I will write you when I need you to call your legislator or write an email. Thanks! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ifiSQ0UlKw
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Congratulations Jesse!!!!

My son Jesse Aycock is awarded Best Singer/Songwriter in Tulsa World's Spot Music Awards 2007.
We're so happy for you Jesse.
To hear and purchase Jesse's amazing CD check him out on myspace.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Hey all you local patrons. This is your chance to see some wonderful Oklahoma artist's work and purchase at sale prices. This is the show we all look forward to. We can finally meet our buyers unlike gallery sales and we love that. So come on out this Saturday from 9-5. I will be right across from the Wild Fork Resterant and right in front of Starbucks.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
My Son is a Spot Music Award Nominee....VOTE

Hey everyone. I am really proud of my son, Jesse who has just been nominated for Oklahoma's Tulsa World Spot Music Awards in the singer/songwriter division. You can check his music out at myspace.com The link is www.myspace.com/jesseaycock Now, if you like what you hear, please take a moment and vote for him at www.tulsaworld.com/spotniks
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Swimming Lesson 12x12 Aycock
The Oklahoma Visual Arts Coalition OVAC is haveing their annual 12x12 fundraiser next month. This is the little painting I did for that show. I have never been to the event but this year I am making plans to attend. It is quite the big affair I understand. I think they are bidding on line this year as well so you might check out their site. google the above.... I can't remember their address right off the bat. For more of my paintings please check my gallery at http://www.midwest-fine-art.com/
Monday, August 20, 2007
Daisies 16x20 oil on canvas, Margaret Aycock

I finished this a little while ago but I am going to take it to school as an example of painting flowers with out really painting flowers. You Impressionist oil painters out there should know what I am talking about. Anyways I thought I would shoot it up here before I take it out of commission for a while. Of course that doesn't mean that it isn't for sale...... You may purchase it here or through my ebay store at http://www.midwest-fine-art.com/ You can read more about my work and my life at http://margaretaycock.blogspot.com
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Dick Chaney
This has nothing to do with art but I found it very interesting in the light of recent events. This was taped around the time of desert storm. It is about a minute long and worth a look.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Osage Abstract Landscape by Margaret Aycock

This is a little 10x10 that I had finished a year ago ( I thought ) but ended up doing a little more work on it this week. The dark part of the hill sides are actually a deep cobalt blue, not black as they appear in this photo. You may visit my blog at http://www.margaretaycock.blogspot.com/ or at http://www.midwest-fine-art.com/ where I have my work for sale and auction. This piece is for sale there or you may purchase it here. See More Beautiful art in the Archives!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Girl in a Hat, Daily Painting ORIGINAL OIL, Aycock 6x6
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Home on the Range 11x14 oil on canvas, by Margaret Aycock

One day a few months ago I decided to go out and paint just down from my neighborhood where they had torn out a bunch of houses to make way for the new college. I was painting merrily along when what to my wondering eyes should apear but about 25 black men on horseback! Glad I had my trusty ol' camera. I snapped a pic or two and continued to paint. Yesterday I found the painting and the photograph and decided it was time to jazz up the painting w a couple of riders so here is the finished product. It was just what it needed. You can buy it here for $300 or check out ebay and bid on it in the auction. midwest-fine-art.com is my ebay store.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Paint America.... Paint the Parks

Hopefully they will have photos up soon but you can check out the PaintAmerica.org site in mid July for photos. I won a place in the show. I am very happy to be a part of it. My painting is called Welcome to the Tall Grass Prairie. I was one of the top 100. The top place winners are these:
2007 PAINT THE PARKS TOP100 Grand Prize Winner- John N. Agnew Region 1 Winner- Neil H. Adamson • Region 2 Winner- Ruo Li • Region 3 Winner- Warren W. AdamsLili Francuz Juror's Award- Shane DimmickWilliam Scott Jennings Juror's Award- Bill James Ann Trusty Juror's Award- Arline Tinus
Check out their site for more info and to see if the exhibit is coming to your city.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
SOLD Girl in a Hat, Daily Painting ORIGINAL OIL, Aycock 6x6
Friday, July 06, 2007
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
SOLD SEEING RED 6x6 oil on canvas, Margaret Aycock

Today was one of my weekly portrait groups. This lovely young girl modeled for us. All of these little paintings look better in real life than my lousy camera's photos of them. click here for my ebay store. midwest-fine-art.com
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Community Food Bank CD Project

Well just for fun I thought I would let you all see another project that I have been working on. I am one of those people who like to get things done on time or early thus the early attempt at producing a CD cover for Oklahoma's annual ( around Christmas ) music CD fund raiser for the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma. This CD is always a great seller and features a bunch of Tulsa's finest singer/songwriters doing Christmas Songs both familiar and some written by our amazing songwriters themselves. For a sample of last year's CD myspace.com/holidayharvest2006
Friday, June 29, 2007
Girl Friends on the Shore
Starting bid at $24.99 at midwest-fine-art.com regular price is $99 if you want to buy it now

Ok, so I have been really slack lately. Not slack as far as painting goes, just slack in getting anything up here on the daily painting blog. So here is a little beach painting for you. The colors are brighter in real life and of course, not blurry!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Yellow Mug
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Gilcrease Workshops
Workshops at Gilcrease Museum Hey Oklahoma artists and Oklahoma neighbors, I am working on this project and could use your input. In an effort to bring top artists to Tulsa's Gilcrease Museum to teach painting, drawing, pastel workshops we thought we would poll the artistic community to see if this would fill a need for you. We know that many of you travel great distances to attend workshops in Scottsdale and Fredricksburg and points beyond and might enjoy bringing the artists to you for a change. If you would please respond to artistswaygallery@yahoo.com with the answers to the following questions we would appreciate it. We are willing to create this for you if you are willing to show up. Part of showing up is responding to this email. Oh, and as a side note, I will be teaching 2 workshops at Gilcrease coming up in February and another in April. Check out Gilcrease.org for info or write me. Now for the questionaire:
Information we need from you:NameAddressPhoneEmail addressMedium
1. Please list your top 3 preferences for workshops. You may write in a 4th that isn't on the list. The number one should be the artist from whom you would most like to take a workshop.
Scott Burdick (figures) artistlyon@aol.com
Dan Gerhartz ( figures )
Matt Smith (landscape-Cezannish & Realism) had work at Gilcrease. Lives in Kansas City
Ron Hicks (figure w/ props) ronhicks.com
Tom Browning (figure) tombrowning.com
Leonard Wren (buildings, landscapes) lived in Tulsa . art@leonardwren.net 360-468-3368
Joseph Lorusso (figure) josephlorussofineart.com
George Strickland bush@fbgartschool.com
Henry Stinson (portrait w/ background/figures) williamwhitaker.com
Robert Lemler (figure)
Kenn Backhous (plein aire ) Kennbackhaus.com
Clayton Beck III (figurative) myartist2@aol.com 708-717-4388
John Burton (figure) burtonartstudio.com
Mark Christensen christensenstudio.com?
2. If you have inside knowledge of any of these artists teaching ability ( you have taken a class from them in Scottsdale or Fredricksburg etc ) please let us know briefly of your experience.
3. What class period would you be most interested in? 3 days, 4 days, 5 days
4. Because each teacher tends to charge differently, the museum needs to recognize a small profit, and some will require travel expenses the cost for the workshop may vary greatly. How much might you be willing to pay to attend a workshop from your favorite artist?$350, $400, $600,$700.
5. If you know of an artist who is a great teacher and you would like them to be included in the next list, please write their name, contact info and medium.
6. Would you be interested in taking a class during the school year or only in the summer?
Information we need from you:NameAddressPhoneEmail addressMedium
1. Please list your top 3 preferences for workshops. You may write in a 4th that isn't on the list. The number one should be the artist from whom you would most like to take a workshop.
Scott Burdick (figures) artistlyon@aol.com
Dan Gerhartz ( figures )
Matt Smith (landscape-Cezannish & Realism) had work at Gilcrease. Lives in Kansas City
Ron Hicks (figure w/ props) ronhicks.com
Tom Browning (figure) tombrowning.com
Leonard Wren (buildings, landscapes) lived in Tulsa . art@leonardwren.net 360-468-3368
Joseph Lorusso (figure) josephlorussofineart.com
George Strickland bush@fbgartschool.com
Henry Stinson (portrait w/ background/figures) williamwhitaker.com
Robert Lemler (figure)
Kenn Backhous (plein aire ) Kennbackhaus.com
Clayton Beck III (figurative) myartist2@aol.com 708-717-4388
John Burton (figure) burtonartstudio.com
Mark Christensen christensenstudio.com?
2. If you have inside knowledge of any of these artists teaching ability ( you have taken a class from them in Scottsdale or Fredricksburg etc ) please let us know briefly of your experience.
3. What class period would you be most interested in? 3 days, 4 days, 5 days
4. Because each teacher tends to charge differently, the museum needs to recognize a small profit, and some will require travel expenses the cost for the workshop may vary greatly. How much might you be willing to pay to attend a workshop from your favorite artist?$350, $400, $600,$700.
5. If you know of an artist who is a great teacher and you would like them to be included in the next list, please write their name, contact info and medium.
6. Would you be interested in taking a class during the school year or only in the summer?
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
2 announcements
Rod Picott will perform at a house concert at Scott Aycock's house, 1135 N. Denver, Tulsa, on February 17 at 7:30pm. Doors open at 7:00. Seating is limited so rsvp is required! Rod Picott is the co-writer, with Slaid Cleaves, of several of Slaid's most popular songs. Suggested donation for this show is $10.00 per person.
To rsvp call 918-583-3503
or email scott@folksalad.com Richard Higgs/Scott AycockProducers/HostsFolk SaladAiring 7pm Sundays 89.5fm Tulsavisit us at http://www.folksalad.com
I have 2 rental properties up for rent right now.
Both are on craigslist
all bills paid basement furnished apt. $425
Quiet culdesac house, 2 bdrm in brookside... $750
write for info or call.... artistswaygallery@yahoo.com
To rsvp call 918-583-3503
or email scott@folksalad.com Richard Higgs/Scott AycockProducers/HostsFolk SaladAiring 7pm Sundays 89.5fm Tulsavisit us at http://www.folksalad.com
I have 2 rental properties up for rent right now.
Both are on craigslist
all bills paid basement furnished apt. $425
Quiet culdesac house, 2 bdrm in brookside... $750
write for info or call.... artistswaygallery@yahoo.com
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
Blue Vase w Flowers

I just decided to add some larger paintings that I have done before the daily painters group closes. Enjoy! You can buy this painting on my ebay store....midwest-fine-art.com
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Three at the Shore
I just finished this little painting and it has a bit of a glare from wet paint. The darks will not have that glare tomorrow. This is a little 6x6 painting in oil on stretched canvas. The colors are clear and bright on the figures and the background is more of a very pastel yellow ochre mix. This painting will start at $99 on ebay today and run for a week. click here to go to my ebay site:

Friday, February 02, 2007
Cedars in Snow

I just finished this little painting. This one is 11x14. I liked it so much that I am planning to do a small series of these little trees in the 6x6 size and put them here on the blog and on ebay. Normally we don't get this much snow here in Oklahoma but the old saying, "when you get lemons, make lemonaide," kinda works here too..... when you get snowed in, do some snow paintings! This little scene is just a few blocks from my house. Enjoy and check back later to snap up one of the little 6x6's. You may purchase this painting by going to midwest-fine-art. Questions, write me at artistswaygallery@yahoo.com
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Tomato on a Green Plate
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
This is the last one in a series of cedars paintings that I have done. This one is 8x10 on stretched canvas and framed with a simple slat frame. I don't know how many times I have passed this scene before being struck by the beauty one day as I drove home from painting class. Perhaps it is the painting that helps us to be open to seeing the beauty of the things that surround us? Anyways..... This is a little hill side that sits right off the highway next to the college that is near my house. I loved how the deep shadows filled the unusually bright hillside. It was at the gloaming of the day. My favorite time! I drove by, turned the car around and parked long enough to create a lovely little painting. It will be on my ebay site this week. If you are interested you may write me or go directly to bid on it at midwest-fine-art.com 

Sunday, January 21, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A Little Beach Talk 6x6 Oil on Canvas SOLD
As the ice is slowing everyone else down around here, it is causing creativity to flow in me. I am having such fun being snowed in. This bright little painting warmed me up better ( well almost better ) than a nice cup of hot chocolate! I will try to get a better picture out tommorrow when the sun comes out. It really is not blurry although it is impressionistic. I may have to play around a little more with my beach pics tomorrow as I bet my college class will be cancelled yet again. Oh, If you are interested in this painting please write. I will probably put it on ebay in the next day or so.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Macintosh Apple on a Green Plate 6x6 SOLD
Well, I am still iced in and I must say.... loving it! Nothing to do but paint. I am getting around to correcting paintings that have been sitting around begging for attention for years and working on a few bright little fun 6x6s. Here is my 6x6 oil on stretched canvas. When I was a little girl I lived in upstate NY where the Macintosh was the king of apples... or was it Queen? Anyways I ran across some in the supermarket and stocked up. Haven't been able to get out in this ice but went scrounging around in the fridge and thought I would paint an apple. Here ya go! Apple on a Green Plate. for auction on ebay starting at $99. Yum!
Monday, January 15, 2007
South Carolina Fruit Stand, Oil 6x6

On my bi-annual trip back to the beach I cataloged my trip with my camera so that I could paint those nice warm beach figures in my Oklahoma winter. Next best thing to a hot cup of coco to warm a person up. We stopped on the way home to get an ice cream cone at a roadside stand. I loved the bright colors of all the fruit. They went well with all of my bright beach figure paintings. Anyways this one is here for bid on ebay this week. I really liked the way it turned out and tried taking a photo of it w both of my digital cameras, with and without a flash, each one with different results and neither one really captured it. It is a little brighter than the photo here and the left side box isn't so blue as it shows up here. It is a bit greyer. Everything is a bit sharper yet looks very impressionistic. This is a bit more complicated than my one object paintings and starts at a higher price. It is a winner. ( in my humble opinion ) Starts at $99 midwest-fine-art
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Tulsa Ice Storm, Original Oil for under $100
Well we are snowed in here in Tulsa so disregard what I said earlier that I didn't have much time to paint. I have gotten around to finishing the little 8x10 painting of our last big ice storm a few weeks ago. I have a little fire in my wood stove with baked potatoes and a roast on the hot coals now. I have had a chance to paint all day only stopping to sip a bit of chai or coffee. I am working on a portrait of my foriegn exchange student and finishing a commission and just having a darned good time. Stay warm and bid high :-) If you wish to bid on this send them to my email address or bid on ebay by clicking on the link midwest-fine-art.com I am starting this at $99.

Well we are snowed in here in Tulsa so disregard what I said earlier that I didn't have much time to paint. I have gotten around to finishing the little 8x10 painting of our last big ice storm a few weeks ago. I have a little fire in my wood stove with baked potatoes and a roast on the hot coals now. I have had a chance to paint all day only stopping to sip a bit of chai or coffee. I am working on a portrait of my foriegn exchange student and finishing a commission and just having a darned good time. Stay warm and bid high :-) If you wish to bid on this send them to my email address or bid on ebay by clicking on the link midwest-fine-art.com I am starting this at $99.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Yellow Rose 8x8 on wide stretched canvas
Monday, January 08, 2007
Peoney IV Art for under $100 original oil
I am getting ready to start back to my class tomorrow and didn't really have time to paint today but I do have on hand a few paintings that are small and within the price range of my daily paintings so be looking for a few in the series of peoney paintings. I love these. They are all oil paintings painted on stretched canvas that are on those extra wide sided stretchers. They can stand alone or be hung as they are painted on all sides. I have this one on auction this week on ebay for starting bid of $99. If you wish to buy it now let me know or go into the store on ebay where it is listed at $225. Click on the link to my ebay store on the right midwest-fine-art.com 

Monday, January 01, 2007
Portrait of a Young Man in Oil, art for under $100
This portrait sketch is painted in oil and unlike all of my usual daily painter paintings, this one is on a stretched 16x20 canvas. I paint portraits once a week when I am not teaching my college class and during Christmas break I was able to make it to one of them. This young man was also on break from his college studies and agreed to sit for us. Happy Bidding. I will have this available for bid through ebay this week starting at $49.00 If there are no bids on ebay it will be available for $100 until it sells.
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