Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Holiday Harvest

I painted this for use as the CD cover art for this year's amazing Holiday Harvest CD. We look forward to this holiday CD every year now. Oklahoma produces the best music and Tulsa is the hub of the music wheel. This CD like the others is a wonderful mix of traditional and non traditional holiday songs created by some traditional and non traditonal singers,songwriters, bands from the Tulsa area.

Come to the CD release party and bid on my original painting and listen to some great bands and then walk away with the wonderful CD. You can listen to the CD here and might I suggest cuts 2 and 3. They Rock! Can't make the event but still want the CD? go to Oh, and while I have your ear..... if you are a registered voter in the state of Oklahoma and are interested in smokeless music venues, I would like to hear from you. I am gathering emails for a once or twice emailing when legislation is upcoming that will effect our ability to listen with out compromising our health. Send me a note at

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