This painting started out with an idea from Richard Schmidt, a photograph from a friend of her daughter, and a photograph that I took on the Hughes ranch near Bartlesville Oklahoma. I incorporated all three into the finish painting

Welcome to my blog where I post recent photos of my work and journal about my life as an artist. I live and work in Tulsa Oklahoma. It is from my early life in the mountains that I developed a love of the natural world which now includes vast prairies and endless skies. To contact me about a purchase all in lowercase letters you can write me at margee and then my last name @gmail.
Showing posts with label oil painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oil painting. Show all posts
Monday, November 01, 2021
Larry’sHouse SOLD!
This was a commissioned painting of my friend Larry's home. He asked me to include himself, his dog and if I could squeeze his cat into one of the flower pots he would be happy. This is what I ended up with... thanks to my husband who posed on the front steps for me.
historic district,
home portrait,
margaret aycock,
oil painting,
Friday, May 08, 2020
a little landscape lesson
Since my class can't meet right now I decided to send them a little assignment. I might as well share it with you too so here it is....
margaret aycock,
oil painting
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Friday, April 17, 2020
today's paintings for sale
I am happy to send a close up of any painting you wish to purchase. Shipping is not included in the price. Contact me if you wish to purchse.
covid 19,
margaret aycock,
oil painting,
price slashed,
Thursday, April 02, 2020
Friday, February 02, 2018
A cold and windy day.... what to paint?..... Apples on a sunny table.
visit in my ebay auction or contact me directly for purchase.
8x10 oil on canvas
visit in my ebay auction or contact me directly for purchase.
8x10 oil on canvas
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Cool Down
It has been a couple weeks w triple digit temps in Tulsa so I thought it was time to revisit this painting. My nephew was lucky ( According to him... not to me... as this would be way, way too cold for me.) to visit a glacier in Patagonia a couple of years ago. He posted this photo which really captured my imagination. This was really fun to paint. I like the play between cold and warm. It kind of looks inviting. I have it on auction this week on ebay. If interested in visiting my ebay gallery CLICK HERE
for sale,
margret aycock,
oil painting
Monday, July 03, 2017
Rainy Night in Tulsa
This is a painting that I did from a photo of Tulsa at night that I took last year. The photo was just after a rain and I wanted to make this painting a little later in the evening and a little more rainy. I just darkened everything a bit and softened some edges w some diagonal brush strokes to indicate both rain and fog. Hopefully I was able to pull it off. This one is for sale by auction through my ebay gallery or you may contact me directly for purchase. Click here to visit my ebay gallery and view the rest of my auction items and full price paintings on Ebay
for sale,
margaret aycock,
oil painting,
rainy night,
Monday, November 07, 2016
SOLD! Cecil plays the Piano Oil
I did this painting, which is kind of a departure for me, for a show that Scott and I did last year at right about this time. The show was a back and forth between painting and poems.
Here's the painting that is on auction this week on my ebay gallery site, Click here to visit.
Here is the corresponding poem written by Scott Aycock
Here's the painting that is on auction this week on my ebay gallery site, Click here to visit.
Here is the corresponding poem written by Scott Aycock
Cecil keeps our yard trim as a sailor’s beard-
not a blade of grass out of place.
With a surveyor’s eye he places poles along
the hedge row,
making Grandma’s English Boxwoods
level as poured cement,
stretching the length of the drive.
He starts early and works through, into the
heat of the day.
I am just a boy.
Cecil comes to back door, hat in hand, like a child asking a
favor of a man.
“Mr. Jo Eddie’s grandson, you ‘spose I could have me some
I go under sink where grandma keeps the
drink, pour comfort from a bottle.
I place a capful in a glass, fill the rest with water.
It turns the color of rosin.
That’ll do, Mr. Jo Eddie’s grandson, don’t need no ice.
He tips his head, tosses the drink, and wipes
his mouth.
It is a litany of motion.
Five drinks into the day, his tools put away,
Cecil comes to the door- a final drink to stay
the blues away.
I being home alone,
Cecil points with fingered bone
towards ivories lined up in a row.
“Mr. Jo Eddie’s grandson, I can make that
coffin sing.
Some folks they scared a dyin’, but they ain’t got that
rhythm thang.”
Cecil straddles piano bench, with one leg north, the other
to work the pedals, to keep the beat.
With both hands poised on whitened keys,
his long black fingers fill spaces,
make dark holes in the music,
as he begins a slow growl, a low moan.
Gonna’ chase those blues.
Gonna’ chase those blues.”
Bowed over the keys, eyes closed,
Cecil is there in some sepia-toned place.
It seems with every note, with every chord,
Cecil spills more of himself between the keys,
as though the music is drinking him one note
at a time.
With an ear bent to the ivories, listening for the sound of
suffering as it leaves his fingertips;
Cecil’s hand begins to jitter, and juke, and then to jive,
into some boogie-woogie slide.
His huge black hands,
like crows,
flap the width of the piano,
as Cecil tosses back
his head, enraptured.
I am just a boy held in time.
As Cecil’s shoulders sway in time to the beat,
mouth open, he eats.
Drinking notes, swallowing chords,
half-digested they come spilling forth,
crude and primitive.
A truer sound.
cecil poem,
for sale,
margaret aycock,
oil painter.,
oil painting,
painting lessons,
scott aycock,
Sunday, November 06, 2016
Garlic from my garden, Blue Bowls and Cutting Board
This was our latest class project. I had a bunch of new students and thought we might try something that didn't look too scary. I really liked the way it turned out.
I had a nice harvest of garlic this year and it is one thing that you can leave out for an extended time with out it fading away or shrinking. I just put this on auction on my ebay gallery. To visit this piece in Ebay and wander through the gallery, click here
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Back Yard
I got inspired the other day. It was such a warm and wonderful afternoon and all my work was complete. I had a couple hours left of daylight and my neighbor's fully leafed out willow tree looked so pretty against the rest of the barren trees and the cloudy day. I ran in and grabbed my brushes and set about the painting.
To Bid or Visit my Ebay Gallery, Click Here
margaret aycock,
oil painting,
willow tree
Friday, March 18, 2016
Girl in a Red Coat on a Snowy Walk OIL PAINTING
I know some of you guys are still playing around with winter weather. I am not... my garden is planted, we are having great salads every day, the fruit trees are all blooming.... ahhhh So I figured one look back at winter before we leave it for next year. I love this painting and so far it hasn't been snatched up. I have it on auction this week on Ebay. It is not a steal but still a great deal less than gallery prices. To visit my ebay gallery click here
margret aycock,
oil painting,
oklahoma artist,
Friday, October 23, 2015
Gilcrease Museum back 40
This was a painting that I worked on with a class. Each of us kind of created our own little scene using a few photos of skies and hay bales. This particular scene was created with a specific time and place in mind. A favorite walking spot just about a mile from my house on the back 40 of the Gilcrease Museum. I really liked the way it turned out. I quickly took the photo and then realized that I was taking it at the same time of day when the sun is so low and beautiful in the sky. It was perfect lighting except for the shadow cast by the frame on the bottom edge :-) Clicking below will take you to this painting on ebay and give you access to my other paintings in my ebay Gallery.
To Bid
gilcrease museum,
oil painting,
Wednesday, May 07, 2014
Red Roses in a Jelly Jar
One of my favorite paintings on auction this week. To place a bid or just visit my auction site Click Here
To visit my painting blog Click Here
To visit my painting blog Click Here
margaret aycock,
oil painting,
red roses,
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Green Pears on Red and White Striped Cloth 6x6 oil
This is one among many daily and larger paintings on auction this week through my ebay gallery/auction site. This began as a class project.... painting one object on a striped cloth. My students breathed a sigh of relief when I mentioned that our next project involved only one object. They breathed another kind of sigh as they saw the addition of the striped cloth rather than a plain backdrop. heheheh
To bid
To bid
Monday, February 03, 2014
Friday, January 24, 2014
I had a few people that were going to be absent from my class the other day so I changed the assignment to " bring a troubled painting to class day." I had this painting kicking around for a while and decided to play with it. It was from a 3 hour sitting w a model and although I liked it, I couldn't sell it on ebay so I decided to play with hair and make up and costume and see what happens.
To check her out on ebay, click here
To check her out on ebay, click here
Saturday, January 04, 2014
Pre Raphaelite Girl by Margaret Aycock
This is what I have been playing with today. I started this painting in my adult class as a demo and finished it over the holidays. I have been painting Oklahoma landscapes and decided to put her at the edge of an Oklahoma forest.
Be the first to Bid by clicking here to visit my ebay gallery
Be the first to Bid by clicking here to visit my ebay gallery
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
One of my Favorites
This is a painting of summer roses from my garden. I brought them in and set them on the kitchen table. I am not much for red and orange together... or so I thought... but I loved the two colors together as the roses were against my terracotta wall.
This and several other paintings are on sale this week in my ebay auction. To bid click here
To visit my blog click here
This and several other paintings are on sale this week in my ebay auction. To bid click here
To visit my blog click here
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