Monday, November 07, 2016

SOLD! Cecil plays the Piano Oil

I did this painting, which is kind of a departure for me, for a show that Scott and I did last year at right about this time.  The show was a back and forth between painting and poems.

Here's the painting that is on auction this week on my ebay gallery site, Click here to visit.

Here is the corresponding poem written by Scott Aycock


Cecil keeps our yard trim as a sailor’s beard-
not a blade of grass out of place.
With a surveyor’s eye he places poles along
the hedge row,
making Grandma’s English Boxwoods
level as poured cement,
stretching the length of the drive.

He starts early and works through, into the
heat of the day.
I am just a boy.
Cecil comes to back door, hat in hand, like a child asking a favor of a man.
“Mr. Jo Eddie’s grandson, you ‘spose I could have me some ‘freshment?”
I go under sink where grandma keeps the
drink, pour comfort from a bottle.
I place a capful in a glass, fill the rest with water.
It turns the color of rosin.

That’ll do, Mr. Jo Eddie’s grandson, don’t need no ice.
He tips his head, tosses the drink, and wipes
his mouth.
It is a litany of motion.

Five drinks into the day, his tools put away,
Cecil comes to the door-  a final drink to stay
the blues away.

I being home alone,
Cecil points with fingered bone
towards ivories lined up in a row.
“Mr. Jo Eddie’s grandson, I can make that
coffin sing.
Some folks they scared a dyin’, but they ain’t got that rhythm thang.”

Cecil straddles piano bench, with one leg north, the other east,
to work the pedals, to keep the beat.
With both hands poised on whitened keys,
his long black fingers fill spaces,
make dark holes in the music,
as he begins a slow growl, a low moan.
Gonna’ chase those blues.
Gonna’ chase those blues.”

Bowed over the keys, eyes closed,
Cecil is there in some sepia-toned place. 

It seems with every note, with every chord,
Cecil spills more of himself between the keys,
as though the music is drinking him one note
at a time.

With an ear bent to the ivories, listening for the sound of suffering as it leaves his fingertips;
Cecil’s hand begins to jitter, and juke, and then to jive,
into some boogie-woogie slide.

 His huge black hands, like crows,
flap the width of the piano,
as  Cecil tosses back his head, enraptured.

I am just a boy held in time. 

As Cecil’s shoulders sway in time to the beat,
mouth open, he eats.

Drinking notes, swallowing chords,
half-digested they come spilling forth,
crude and primitive.

A truer sound.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

Garlic from my garden, Blue Bowls and Cutting Board

This was our latest class project.  I had a bunch of new students and thought we might try something that didn't look too scary.  I really liked the way it turned out.
I had a nice harvest of garlic this year and it is one thing that you can leave out for an extended time with out it fading away or shrinking.  I just put this on auction on my ebay gallery.  To visit this piece in Ebay and wander through the gallery, click here

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Osage Hills State Park in fall

There is nothing I like better than sitting in nature w a canvas and paint.  I especially like being near running water.  As luck would have it it was a very cloudy day as we visited Osage Hills State Park this weekend where I did this little sketch on the edge of this sweet little creek.
Here it is on my ebay auction this week... Click Here for Auction

Friday, October 21, 2016

Nude Woman Standing

Just got a reminder from one of my students that Saturday was painting w a model day at the local museum.  I was glad I showed up for this lovely model.  The painting is now on auction on my ebay gallery along with the other sketch I did that day.

To visit this painting in my ebay gallery CLICK HERE 

Wednesday, October 05, 2016

After Andres Zorn

Sometimes it is fun to see what you can learn from the masters by copying a master work.  I really like this artist and he has been gone from the earth long enough to feel free to copy him.  His name is Andres Zorn.  I really liked this painting, the brush strokes, the lighting, and of course, the lovely subject matter.  Whenever you copy an artist you need to wait at least 75 years after his/her death and sometimes longer.  No matter what you must always site the original artist along with yourself on the work... In this case it would read Margaret Aycock after Andres Zorn.
This is for sale in my ebay auction/gallery right now.  To visit my ebay gallery click here

Friday, September 30, 2016

Taking a Rest

Well since I am taking a rest from loading my car for the Utica Square Art in the Square sale, I thought I would post a painting with the same theme.  These Tulsa Ballet Dancers are getting ready to rehearse again for an upcoming opening.  Resting for a moment.

To view in my ebay auction click here