Thursday, August 18, 2016

Wildcrafting and Painting

When I look at my body of work, I begin to notice how many paintings involve wildcrafting/foraging.  This painting is called Gathering Herbs:  This painting began, as many of mine do, from a class demonstration.  We started with a master work and then changed scenery, hair styles, clothing etc.  I think she was originally standing in a chapel or some sort of fancy interior and she wasn't holding a basket of herbs.  She found a nice place above my mantle for a long time, but as many of my paintings, she is for sale.  If you would like to bid on her or just visit my ebay gallery, CLICK HERE 

This is Spring Creek where I find Wapato

Finding Sand Plums

plums, black berries and poke

from the top of a mulberry tree

gathering berries, notice the tall mulein plant 

My own little flower garden where I just found mouse melon

SOLD ! Red Crepe Myrtle 8x10 oil

To visit this painting in my Ebay Gallery Auction CLICK HERE

These quick studies are often my favorite paintings.  I think they more fully capture the moment in time, what caused me to paint it in the beginning.  I painted this a couple of days ago after working on a larger piece.  I had to run out for a minute and upon reentering my neighborhood I was struck for the 2nd or 3rd time by this pretty tree, but this time it was a cloudy, cool day in the middle of summer and I had the entire day to do whatever I wished.  I drove home, grabbed up my pallet and headed back out, hoping to beat the rain.  I was able to paint in my car and sit through the drizzle.  Anyways, I really loved the outcome and didn't want to paint any further on it when I got home.  I love the quick brush strokes and the unfinished look at the bottom of the painting.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Painting my artsy pals at the creek

Inspiration from Anders Zorn.  I always seem to be drawn to these paintings of women in white.  Thankfully after painting this copy of Anders Zorn I began to notice that I had a few perfect subjects for a new painting right in front of me while we artsy Oklahoma girls took to the creek a couple of weeks ago.  There is nothing better than cooling off in a spring fed creek with nothing to do but look for interesting rocks, have a snack, swim and chat with girlfriends.  Life is good!

 The painting begins with this manipulated by photoshop photo of a couple of my friends at the creek ( one is pictured 2x)  The finished ( I think) painting is below.

 One of the photos used for the painting


To Ebay Gallery

For Sale now.


Friday, August 12, 2016

Playing with Zorn by Margaret Aycock

This started when I went down the rabbit hole of Google, looking at some of my favorite artists.  I wanted to see if I could get into the head of Anders Zorn.  What better way to do that then make a copy of sorts.  This is my take on one of his paintings which at the moment has also inspired two more of my own.
This painting and many more are in my Ebay Gallery.  Click here to visit

Sunday, August 07, 2016

Gathering Herbs

Gathering Herbs:  This painting began, as many of mine do, from a class demonstration.  We started with a master work and then changed scenery, hair styles, clothing etc.  I think she was originally standing in a chapel or some sort of fancy interior and she wasn't holding a basket of herbs.  She found a nice place above my mantle for a long time, but as many of my paintings, she is for sale.  If you would like to bid on her or just visit my ebay gallery, CLICK HERE 

Friday, August 05, 2016

Patagonia Icy Hot oil painting

Cool off on a hot summer day!  This is a scene that my nephew took a photo of when he was learning how to lead groups into the wild.  This was a rarely seen vista from an ancient glacier in Patagonia.

To visit this painting in my Ebay Gallery and possibly place a bid, Click Here

Monday, August 01, 2016

Tulsa County Medical Society Foundation Fundraiser

This month I had the honor of being asked to participate in Art Rx which helps those who can't afford their medical care or medications, get them.  What a great organization.  Anyways at the end of the evening they had sold both of my pieces.  Thanks to the doctors who purchased them for their support of both me, and the Tulsa County Medical Society Foundation.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

This is a class project.  Scroll down and you can see my class working on " our girl."  Everyone got a chance to choose a background, hair style and really anything else.  We started with a photo of a pretty young woman and added and subtracted till we each got what we wanted.  I like to use a photo as a jumping off point for my students so that I can teach them a method to create a portrait.  This one was done in the style of the old masters.  It is on Ebay auction this week.  To check out my auction click here.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Dylan Golden Aycock - Church of Level Track (Album Trailer)

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Saturday, July 09, 2016


Spring Creek is one of my favorite places to visit.  I love to go with a good book or two, lots of snacks, a float, and a blank canvas or two.  Last week I was looking for a master work to jump start my class and came across a lovely painting by the artist Andres Zorn.  I borrowed one of his figures, changed her up a bit, threw in one of my favorite models and created a couple other bathers.  The next best thing to being there is painting from sketches and photos of the peaceful creek.  Anyways this one is headed off to Oklahoma City for a fundraiser unless it sells first on Ebay. 

To Bid

Friday, July 08, 2016

SOLD! Prairie Sky

Nude Bathers at Spring Creek with a nod to Zorn

I have been playing with an idea today.  I really liked this painting by Andres Zorn and decided to borrow a figure from him and change it a little and add a few of my own from sessions with a model.  Not quite finished but enjoying the process and playing with the images.

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

SOLD! Lemons and Plums

Another cool painting of fresh picked fruit.  This one and its sister are on my ebay auction this week.
To visit this in my ebay gallery, CLICK HERE

Monday, June 27, 2016

The process

See how pretty this is?  Doesn't it beg to be painted?


Want to own it?  you can inquire here on this blog or if you read this on the last week of June/ 1st week of July then you can bid on it here... Click to Visit the Painting in Ebay

Friday, June 24, 2016

Instead of making pies

This morning I noticed the bowl of lemons glowing in a red bowl at my window sill and thought, " I need to paint those."  And then I thought, " Hmm I wonder if there are still any plums and blackberries growing in the community garden because another pie sure sounds good to me."  There were a lot of fallen, over ripe plums on the ground and plenty in the tree, and tons of blackberries and even a few pears so I gathered them up, picked some poke on the trail  and brought everything home and dumped them out on the counter.  Again, I thought, " they look so pretty there with the muted light coming in through the east window."  So of course, before I could turn them into a pie, they had to be painted.
Here's the result:

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Equality Center Fundraiser on Thursday night

Planning a fun evening tomorrow..... Equality Center fundraiser has 3 of my pieces.... a couple of nudes and a portrait. Anyone hoping to own some lovely art AND support a good cause, this is your moment. Speaking of good causes... another fundraiser at AHHA to benefit the Art and Healing program at Hillcrest Hospital. We are doing a Pinot's Pallet kind of thing with hospital staff. We did it a few months ago and folks had so much fun we decided to do it again. Of course anyone who wished to donate to that great cause can always do so through the Arts and Humanities Council. Earmark your gift for the Art and Healing program and the Doctors of Hillcrest will match it twice!

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Stairs to Nowhere

It is the 50th anniversary of the bloodiest race riot in the US history.  It happened a block away from this site.  This is a section of the neighborhood where I live.  At present, this is a huge field with many " stairs to nowhere" and a few remnants of old gardens.  I took my adult class here in the spring so that they could have the plein aire experience.  Nature and time works to heal old wounds.  Tulsa has made an effort to mark the massacre and make sure it is now in our Oklahoma history books and has created a remembrance park which teaches about this and other human failings... The Trail of Tears, Slavery in the USA and this riot. 

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Oil Painting Lessons in Tulsa

If you live in or around Tulsa, OK and have always wanted to learn how to paint, please contact me and join our class.  I teach beginners through those who sell their work as established painters.  I teach demonstration style but my students always have the option of working independently with help from me as needed.  We usually decide as a group, what our subject will be.  Right now everyone wanted to learn how to paint a portrait like the masters.  We are having a lot of fun with this one and I must say, the class is doing a great job

Here are some pics of past, class projects:  some of these are mine and a few are student pieces.  As you can see, we are all over the place with style, subject matter but always having fun and learning.

Ballet Dancers by Margaret Aycock

I love this little painting.  I was invited, along with other local artists, To attend rehearsals of the Tulsa Ballet before the season opened.  I took numerous photos and just sat and observed the lovely dancers.  In this painting I focused on the line of this dancer's back which struck me as just beautiful.

To Visit this painting in my Ebay Gallery, CLICK HERE
To Visit my Artist Blog, CLICK HERE

Friday, May 20, 2016

SOLD! Cherry Blossoms and Lilacs 8x10 oil

A little study done in the spring from life.... Cherry blossoms and Lilacs.  8x10 oil on canvas
This is on auction this week on ebay but if you want to purchase it if it doesn't sell at auction, please use the form to the right and contact me.  To visit this in my ebay auction, click here