I have a couple pieces in the show. Both of them are our favorites
My painting is the lower one
Welcome to my blog where I post recent photos of my work and journal about my life as an artist. I live and work in Tulsa Oklahoma. It is from my early life in the mountains that I developed a love of the natural world which now includes vast prairies and endless skies. To contact me about a purchase all in lowercase letters you can write me at margee and then my last name @gmail.
Time to let someone else enjoy this painting. It’s been above our fireplace for many years now. I think it’s going to a very good home :-)
I just finished revising a book that I wrote several years ago. I updated some of the instructions and added more photos and assignments. This is a hardback book. I also have my paperback, unrevised on Amazon as well. At some point, I will reformat the hardback to paperback so they will both be available. Keep an eye out on Jan 1 for the release of my revised hardback of the Still Life instructional book. To purchase from Amazon
Years ago I was invited to observe during rehearsals for Tulsa ballet in order to take photographs, sketch or paint. I took multiple photographs and did several paintings all of which sold. I kept the last one and then got a phone call the other day.
It was a young woman who wanted to buy the painting as it showed up in her Facebook feed from about 12 years ago or longer. She told me that she was one of the ballet dancers in the painting and had just bought a new home.
When she came over to the house, she told me that the other two girls in the painting were her very best friends and that she was only the one who was still dancing.
I volunteer for a group in Tulsa and took a bunch of young women to see the ballet Dracula around a month ago. I asked her if she was in that Ballet and yes, she was! Needless to say this painting found the very best home.
This time last year I was at home preparing Christmas dinner and Scott called and said he was gonna be late. This is what was happening. Just to let you know the dog was absolutely fine after falling into a 30 foot we’ll
For the last couple of years, I’ve been working on a series of paintings that originate as a plain air sketch in oil. Several years ago, we purchased some land about an hour drive from our house on a beautiful little river. We named the property, Golden Glenn, but we never call it that. We always just call it “the land.“ Anyway there’s nothing we like better than to take a couple of camp chairs in the fall and just sit in the woods by the river and watch it and listen to it flow. In the summer, we’re in the water, and in the winter, we’re walking the trails through the woods. There’s always something beautiful to paint. The trouble is I end up loving the little paintings too much to sell them although I have done so only with very close friends because I know they’re going to a good home :-) . On another note, I’m also in the process of revising and adding to my original how to book on oil painting the landscape. I was just going to revise it in order to make a hardback copy, but I added a bunch of photographs with assignments in the back, so I think I may revise all of them, the Paperback and the Kindle copies. Although if you order them through me I can send you the extra assignments via email. Of course you can also order them on Amazon as I don’t have the Kindle copy handy, only the paperback. The book has lots of color photographs and easy to understand instructions.
Several years ago, I used this cool painting and decided to put my own spin on it. I decided to put myself and my two best pals in it as we head to the beach. I have my friend carrying some of my art supplies. I’m the one with the bandanna on. And of course, when I put these in, they came out exactly backwards, so start at the bottom and work your way up
This painting was just accepted into the Liggett studio gallery show featuring all women artists. It is 20 x 22 oil on canvas $900 my painting features, the daughter of one of my neighbors. I am most comfortable in the woods. this painting depicts, that feeling of being in nature for me.
My neighbor planted his whole front yard in wild flowers. They are so pretty! This is on ebay right now but you can also purchase directly from me as always..
I recently had a group of paintings excepted into the mapped, unmapped show at Liggett Studio in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Scott wrote a corresponding poem to go with it. He will also read a few other poems having to do with the land.
I will have multiple pieces in this show. Some of which are featured in the blog. All plein air sketches from our land.
My piece, Golden Glen (the land ) will be included in an exhibition held at Liggett Studios this September. It will feature a map of our land as an oil painting, surrounded by individual plein air paintings done on site at different places within the 58 acres. It will also feature some of the natural plants growing there. Since I am interested in foraging, it will include a lot of edible plants and where to find them on the land. I’ll include a couple of pieces below that are works in progress, including the map of the land without any labels on it yet.
Just working on this this afternoon. This is an 8 x 10 oil painting. If interested in purchase you can contact me via email using my name all lowercase letters and Margee instead of margaret atGmail. I will also put it on eBay just in case anyone is interested in the auction. That’s where I keep most of my paintings these days.
This is a little 8 x 10 still life featuring sunflowers and apples. I have it for sale on eBay or you can purchase directly from me. The auction starts at $150 and I have a buy it now price at $250