For the last couple of years, I’ve been working on a series of paintings that originate as a plain air sketch in oil. Several years ago, we purchased some land about an hour drive from our house on a beautiful little river. We named the property, Golden Glenn, but we never call it that. We always just call it “the land.“ Anyway there’s nothing we like better than to take a couple of camp chairs in the fall and just sit in the woods by the river and watch it and listen to it flow. In the summer, we’re in the water, and in the winter, we’re walking the trails through the woods. There’s always something beautiful to paint. The trouble is I end up loving the little paintings too much to sell them although I have done so only with very close friends because I know they’re going to a good home :-) . On another note, I’m also in the process of revising and adding to my original how to book on oil painting the landscape. I was just going to revise it in order to make a hardback copy, but I added a bunch of photographs with assignments in the back, so I think I may revise all of them, the Paperback and the Kindle copies. Although if you order them through me I can send you the extra assignments via email. Of course you can also order them on Amazon as I don’t have the Kindle copy handy, only the paperback. The book has lots of color photographs and easy to understand instructions.
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