I pulled this old painting out of the studio the other day. It was painted several years ago using a live model With a live model you really can't go back and take another look because they are now home, cooking dinner or something ;-) But, you can look at your own work and re evaluate and try to make it a better painting. I have found that stepping away is by far the most useful tool ; I stepped away from this painting for a couple of years, but that is not really what I am talking about, although that too, really frees you up to make necessary changes. I mean, stepping back to the other end of the room, go outside and come back in w your painting facing the door so you are surprised and looking at it freshly. Since having access to an i phone and to always use it to post photos of paintings to my online auction on ebay, I noticed how many times I took a photo of a painting, thinking it was ready for sale, and only realizing mistakes after looking at the mini photo. I started noticing how great a tool it was for 'stepping back.' Here is a series of changes that I am making after viewing this painting from a photo. Notice how the head shape changes, the eyes, hair, shadows in background, drape across legs, carving into the flesh around her tummy, lips...
This painting is on ebay right now and you can bid on it
Here or contact me for purchase
I started with this:
and ended with this:
You an see below subtil
small changes... not in any correct order... seen below