I was out in the garden yesterday and picked lettuce and some spinach. I noticed purslane growing in with the basil, sorrel and lambsquarters growing in with the lettuce and dandelion and poke scattered around as well. I wish people would stop seeing this stuff as weeds and realize that they grow without any help from you, provide food during more than one season and plant themselves again for the following year. Why would I dig or pull these things up? I no longer do. I bring the sorrel in to add to my mint tea and pestos, lambsquarters for anthing that uses greens including salads, purslane for fresh salads and poke for cooked greens and to freeze for the winter. We need to start seeing things differently if we expect these valuable plants to survive corporate farming. My garden probably doesn't look as organized as those with out a weed and everything in its proper rows but I have decided to see it as useful and beautiful as it is.

Welcome to my blog where I post recent photos of my work and journal about my life as an artist. I live and work in Tulsa Oklahoma. It is from my early life in the mountains that I developed a love of the natural world which now includes vast prairies and endless skies. To contact me about a purchase all in lowercase letters you can write me at margee And then my last name @Gmail. Opening the web version of this blog gives the opportunity to purchase any of my how to books/videos, etc..
Friday, May 29, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Testing the waters
Memories... Everything about the beach makes me feel good. Some of my favorite years as a child, as a teen, as a mom and now.... still makes me feel young to be there although I no longer catch the eye of the cute lifeguard :-) This painting came out of some great photos sent to me by a client for a commissioned painting. I have since used these photos for some lovely little paintings. This is one of my favorites.
To Bid
To Bid
Friday, May 22, 2015
Mulberry Tree
One more day in the tops of the trees and I think it is finished.
I love my job. Who else gets to hang out in the tops of the trees all day, listening to the birds, watching the squirrels race around and eating fresh berries while doing so.... oh, and did I mention, getting to oil paint too? What a life.
If you want to bid on this it is on ebay for the next few days on auction. Bid here
I love my job. Who else gets to hang out in the tops of the trees all day, listening to the birds, watching the squirrels race around and eating fresh berries while doing so.... oh, and did I mention, getting to oil paint too? What a life.
If you want to bid on this it is on ebay for the next few days on auction. Bid here
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Revisiting a painting from this time last year
I decided not to paint the peonies this year and just pick them and enjoy them. I do love to paint them but this year put my energies into some other kinds of paintings like my rainy city series and my tree tops.
To Bid
To Bid
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Mulberry Tree
Sometimes the question pops up... " Should I pick it, or should I paint it?" That was the case the other day as I climbed the steps to our little tree house garage apt. to check out the mulberry tree. They are nearing ripeness but still white. In the mean time I had a flash back to when I was a young girl who loved to climb trees and sit in the tallest branches. Soooo I decided to paint the tree instead. It is almost finished but not quite.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Saturday, May 09, 2015
Mayfest Invitational
I am excited to be invited again to participate in the Mayfest International Invitational show this year. It opens Wednesday night ( tickets are around $25 and go to support the Mayfest) After that it is free until it closes on Sunday afternoon. Always exciting to see what my artist pals pull out for this show.
This is one and dang it, I can't find the photo of the other one which is a painting of a city street in the rain.
This is one and dang it, I can't find the photo of the other one which is a painting of a city street in the rain.
To Garden or to Paint? That is the question.
I love Google. I googled a recipe for honeysuckle jelly and decided to add a few rose petals for good measure and color. I thought I had everything covered and went to get the pectin and mine was powdered and the recipe called for liquid so I did some very quick reading and my fingers are crossed that it will jell properly. If not, I will do the old trick with cream cheese w jelly poured over it, served with crackers and just say, " I meant to do it." :-)
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