I just finished revising a book that I wrote several years ago. I updated some of the instructions and added more photos and assignments. This is a hardback book. I also have my paperback, unrevised on Amazon as well. At some point, I will reformat the hardback to paperback so they will both be available. Keep an eye out on Jan 1 for the release of my revised hardback of the Still Life instructional book. To purchase from Amazon

Welcome to my blog where I post recent photos of my work and journal about my life as an artist. I live and work in Tulsa Oklahoma. It is from my early life in the mountains that I developed a love of the natural world which now includes vast prairies and endless skies. To contact me about a purchase all in lowercase letters you can write me at margee And then my last name @Gmail. Opening the web version of this blog gives the opportunity to purchase any of my how to books/videos, etc..
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Wednesday, December 04, 2024
Opening season Tulsa ballet
Years ago I was invited to observe during rehearsals for Tulsa ballet in order to take photographs, sketch or paint. I took multiple photographs and did several paintings all of which sold. I kept the last one and then got a phone call the other day.
It was a young woman who wanted to buy the painting as it showed up in her Facebook feed from about 12 years ago or longer. She told me that she was one of the ballet dancers in the painting and had just bought a new home.
When she came over to the house, she told me that the other two girls in the painting were her very best friends and that she was only the one who was still dancing.
I volunteer for a group in Tulsa and took a bunch of young women to see the ballet Dracula around a month ago. I asked her if she was in that Ballet and yes, she was! Needless to say this painting found the very best home.
This time last year
This time last year I was at home preparing Christmas dinner and Scott called and said he was gonna be late. This is what was happening. Just to let you know the dog was absolutely fine after falling into a 30 foot we’ll