The old version
It is a never ending process. You can see what I assumed was a finished painting below this entry if you scroll down past a couple of other paintings. If you leave a painting with us too long it continues to get revised which is a good thing. After bringing this one home from the studio I decided to tone down the cup as it was gaining too much importance, make the book a bit bluer to echo the other blues above and then added a blue ribbon ( there had been a gold one there ) I also added one of my favorite black and white photos of a dancing woman in the back ground and toned down the stars. NOW it is done...... I think :-)
If this doesn't sell on ebay before April it will be headed for a big show up in Bartlesville. Looks great with the frame don't you think?

It is a never ending process. You can see what I assumed was a finished painting below this entry if you scroll down past a couple of other paintings. If you leave a painting with us too long it continues to get revised which is a good thing. After bringing this one home from the studio I decided to tone down the cup as it was gaining too much importance, make the book a bit bluer to echo the other blues above and then added a blue ribbon ( there had been a gold one there ) I also added one of my favorite black and white photos of a dancing woman in the back ground and toned down the stars. NOW it is done...... I think :-)
If this doesn't sell on ebay before April it will be headed for a big show up in Bartlesville. Looks great with the frame don't you think?