Hot off the presses... This is my new Instructional DVD. In this DVD I show the process of painting a still life with both reflective and transparent objects. I will discuss set up including some money saving tips on supplies. For this class I will also tell you that I am using Winsor Newton student grade paints ( Winton ) They work great and are relatively inexpensive. I order directly from Dickblick.com. If you would like my pallet list just write and I will send to you. I will talk about diffent ways to hold your brush for different effects, paint mixing, composition, abstract design, drawing tricks, measuring and much more. I am filming this in my adult class. Lots of great information... lots of fun. PS the music in the beginning and at each break is from my son's CD, "Life's Ladder" to listen to the CD.... http://myspace.com/jesseaycock