Showing posts with label oyster mushrooms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oyster mushrooms. Show all posts

Monday, December 16, 2013

Church and Lunch in the Woods

We got up early on Sunday and went for a little foraging trip to the woods.  We found a couple different eatable mushrooms ( which were delicious ), some poor man's pepper, greenbriar, and buckbrush ( we weren't that hungry ) and some delicious ground cherries.  Yummy!
Wood ears ( brown jelly like ) Oyster mushrooms ( gills run under the cap and down stem)
Buck Brush
Greenbriar ( climbs, has tendrails )Some are used like a root crop, try digging them, first through the stickers, then they are tough to get out of the ground, cook like potatoes or you can make flour from them by chopping up and adding to water to later collect the starch in the bottom of the water for flour.
Ground Cherry ( has a little lantern like husk, bright orange fruit delicious
upside down oyster mushroom on willow
poor man's pepper ( best when green )
wood ears